Monday, February 23, 2009

God & Country Awards

UPDATE - Our God & Country team served over 175 large slices of handmade pizza to worshipers between the two Ash Wednesday services at Centenary; they greeted, served, and cleaned up along with their culinary endeavors, with a little lesson about being church and working together learned as we made the first three big 'zas for ourselves.

An awesome evening!

[This is blogmaster's privilege, but it not only includes 6 of our own Pack 3 Cubs, but also two Troop 65 young men and a number of our local Girl Scouts; copied from Centenary UMC's newsletter, and if anyone has news of our Cubs earning their religious award anywhere else, let me know and i'll post that!]

God and Country Awards

"God and Country" awards are an independent program for youth in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Campfire, and 4-H groups. They are designed so they can fulfill requirements for understanding and acting on their religious beliefs through their home congregation, and earn the award which is then worn as part of their uniform or recognitions in the program where they are active.

Centenary is very proud of fifteen youth who have worked in the weeks leading up to Lent to earn their Scouting religious awards; they met weekly and completed their work by serving and cleaning up the Ash Wednesday dinner between services. They are listed by group as the religious awards program is designed for certain grade levels, and they may earn each level's insignia as they grow up, some achieving all four, concluding with God and Life for 9-12 graders.

God and Me (grades 1-3)

Austin Anderson
Rick Duffus
Rose Duffus
Annika Lee
Aaron Lehner
Lauren Schwab
Owen Schwab

God and Family (grades 4-5)

Sydney Foe
Chris Gill
Thomas Hill
Forrest Lee
Samantha Lehner

God and Church (grades 6-8)

Will Emery
Leanna Lehner
Adam Miller

Many thanks to Jeff Gill, Diane Lee, and Donna Hill for their leadership and mentorship in this journey, and to all the parents who read through Luke's gospel at home with their youth, and helped out in many small & significant ways. The insignia will be presented in worship at 9:20 and 11 on Scouting Sunday for our church, March 15, and all Girl & Boy Scouts are invited to wear their uniform to worship that day to help honor these youth.