Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blue & Gold Flyer

2009 Blue & Gold Dinner
Saturday, March 14, 2009
5 to 7 PM at the Granville Intermediate School

All you can eat spaghetti dinner!
Includes salad, bread, beverages, and dessert.


Cub Scouts – free
Adults (age 11 & up) - $7
Siblings (ages 5 to 10) - $3
Siblings (ages 4 and under) - free

**** Payment due March 2, 2009 ****
A head count is needed by this date so that we can accurately order the proper amount of food and the number of tables to be rented.

Note: After March 2nd, or at the door, the cost is $10 per adult and $5 per sibling.
Please complete this form and return it with your payment to your Den Leader
before the March 2, 2009 Leader’s meeting.

Make checks payable to: Granville Cub Pack 3
Family Name:
Cub Scout Name(s):
Additional number attending: adults siblings
Payment ($7 per adult & $3 per sibling ages 5 to 10):