Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pack Meeting - Last of School Year, Thur. May 15

The Pack leadership decided to pass on Cubmobile this year, since we have so much going on over these next few months.

Pack meeting this Thursday includes our "Dirty Jobs" salute, where parents are invited to come with a quick demo of some job they have or had which has an odd outfit, messy element, or weird twist to it (aim for a 2 minute time frame, please!). Biohazard suits, insulating gloves, wild looking tools -- anything but a bucket of eyeballs!

Memorial Day parade in Granville is Monday, May 26, lining up between Centenary UMC and First Presbyterian at 10:15 am to walk down to Maple Grove Cemetery for the program -- Cub Day Camp at Camp Falling Rock on June 10-13, 8:30 to 4 pm each day -- July 4th parade from Wildwood Park -- Kickoff Hog Roast at Infirmary Mound Park on Saturday afternoon, August 23rd!

Oh, and Mike Rowe is an Eagle Scout. . .