Well, the time is here, and so is the popcorn! The greens will arrive Thursday or before.
Brian Pitcher is currently scheduling a group of kids to arrive at Unipac 4:00 Friday 16th to breakdown the orders into dens and kids. This should avoid any mix ups and speed up the main pick-up Monday. Any volunteers Friday and Monday are more than welcome. Volunteers please arrive Monday by 6:00
Pick-up time is 7:00 Monday, Nov. 19, each level will have their own loading dock.
Please consider Friday, Nov. 16 as the alternate pick-up for people that can't make it Monday.
Please forward this message to all den members and confirm that they receive the notice.
I still have many order forms, which will be returned with orders.
Directions to Unipac: Route 37 South to Route 40, turn right (West), 3/4 mile West on the South side of Route 40 is Unipac. The physical address is 2109 National Road SW. Any questions you may reach me via my cell 74zerodash4zero4dash422zero.
Chris DeMent