OCT. 29 @ 7:00 PM
That's the adjusted Pack Leadership meeting (moved from the first Monday, which woulda been Nov. 5, but isn't), which will go over some pack bidness as well as collecting your den's forms (NOT MONEY!!!).
If you are planning to pick some Cub Scout Leader training, noted below, contact Jeff Gill for a pick-up/drop-off plan (587-4245, or knapsack@windstream.net), which we're happy to do to facilitate the training opportunity.
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Cub Scout Leader Training
from the Licking District Training Team
Become a trained leader for your den and pack!
Monday, October 29th: New Leader Essentials & Youth Protection
Tuesday, October 30th: Leader Specific Training (for experienced, trained leaders in new positions, such as Den Leaders, Cubmaster, and Committee Chair)
Registration begins at 6pm; Training will begin promptly at 6:30pm
The cost for both nights (which includes a book) is $15; Oct. 30th is only $3.
The training is at Kirkersville United Methodist Church @ 180 E Main St. Parking is along the street or in the gravel parking lot to the rear of the building.
For additional information, please contact Andrew King. (614)404.8116 or andrewking@columbus.rr.com