Thursday, August 30, 2007
Cub Scouting is on the march!
We had a great "Round-up," or sign-up night, on Aug. 30 at the Elementary School (GES), but remember that you can sign up at any point in the year -- we know that soccer and first communion classes and a number of things can make the fall a trying time.
There are over 40 new Tigers, and there will be an organizational meeting for the First Grade/Tiger Cub folks at the GES next Thursday, Sept. 6, at 7:00 pm. We have three dens pretty much organized with leaders, but we need at least three more adults who can give the classic "just one hour a week" to make the Tiger dens go.
For the upcoming schedule, we have Pack Committee (all the officers and den leaders) at GES in the library at 7:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 10. Cubmaster Al is putting together a "family hike and picnic" semi-official outing on Sunday, Sept. 16 at 2:00, meeting down Rt. 37 just into Lancaster at Rising Park, where you get to climb the ancient Standing Stone and enjoy an awesome view over the Fairfield County Fairgrounds and the city beyond, south into the Hocking Hills.
The first pack meeting of the school year is Thursday, Sept. 20 at 7:00 pm at -- yep, you guessed it! -- GES in the Multi-purpose Room (MPR), and that will introduce the program year. Lots of updates about the Webelos campout that next weekend in Muskingum County, the Popcorn & Greenery Sale, and the February trip to sleep aboard the USS Yorktown in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina! Rocket kits will also be distributed for the Sat., Oct. 13 Rocket Day at GIS on Burg St..
The family campout and canoe trip to Mohican State Park is also coming right up October 5-7, with the canoe trips on Saturday at 9 am or 2 pm.
AND WE AREN'T EVEN TO HALLOWE'EN!!! Is this going to be an awesome year, or what?
Call with any questions, 587-4245.